Monday, May 17, 2010

"Black Market" Health Care

Now this is just an idea that popped in my mind...and this is conversation that may have come up somewhere before, so if it is, I apologize.  But with the GLORIOUS evolution of Socialized Health Care...everyone who can't afford healthcare...or is here illegally getting healthcare at the expense of those who can afford it, causing the wait to see your family doctor for the common cold to increase from 2 weeks to a year (If you require any type of medical procedure under Obamacare to save your life in a 6 month time frame I would just recommend contacting Dr. Kevorkian), what is to stop "Black Market" Healthcare Clinics from popping up?  Clinics that don't want to follow the Socialized Healthcare plan due to being short staffed and under payed not to mention being run by the government.  Would they provide better service, possibly.  Would they be illegal, of course.  Would they cost more, probably, but first they'd be illegal and second, when it comes to the quality of your health, i think most people would pay more.  Your thoughts?


Dawn said...

The only problem I see with "black Market" health care is that the nurses and doctors are still going to be paid by the government only. They can no longer charge what they want as they are government workers. They may also have to sign a waiver saying they will work only for the government and can never work anywhere that government is not the sole employer. This document will be signed when they take the hipocratic oath to become a doctor. The issue I see arising is that the government will either have to pay for the docs and nurses schooling or there will be a shortage of new students who want to study medicine and nursing.

Door To Nowhere said...

granted yes, but the whole point of black market is going against what is legal.. You couldn't legally perform abortions in the 50's that didn't stop them from happening, or stop them from getting paid for. Yes Doctors may have to agree to only work for the Gov.. doesn't mean they will abide by it.

Josh H said...

Yes that was my point. Doctors that would go totally rogue or against the government.