Monday, March 28, 2011

President Wants Illegal Immigrants to Succeed

The reason you are receiving Deportation Letters is because...YOUR ILLEGAL!!!  Holy cow, who would have thunk it?  No Mr. President, we don't want them to succeed, YOU want them to succeed, because that is going to be your ONLY chance of winning the election next time.  We need to stop giving them  incentives to come over here and guess they will stop coming!  THANK GOD the Dream Act FAILED, and hopefully it will continue to FAIL.  Stop trying to pass laws like the Dream Act, and start passing laws that would take automatic citizenship away from kids that are born here you will see Illegal Immigration go down!  You know who I do want to see succeed?  The thousands of people on the other side of the boarder...who are trying to come into this country the RIGHT way, but can't because we are trying to give amnesty to criminals!  Those people have no incentive to do things the RIGHT way, yet they do, because it is RIGHT!

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